Friday, August 6, 2010

the end of school

my summer classes are coming to an end, and i finally have time to dedicate to my blog again. i absolutely love blogging, but sometimes i get so caught up in school that weeks can go by before my blog is even on my mind.

so i am quite delighted that summer has come to an end so quickly. i just wish that had a little more time to post. after all, life isn't half of what it should be unless you can take time to enjoy the little delights found in life.

and so- with that being said- one of my greatest delights of today is quite possibly the fact that i am now able to enjoy the delights in my life. welcome back, dear blog. i missed you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

delight of the day- tiffany inspired necklace giveaway

one of my favorite fashion blogs, the look for less, is currently hosting a contest to give away this beautiful tiffany inspired palm tree necklace. isn't it just gorgeous? it takes my breath away. :)

the contest ends on june 30th, so if you want to enter, follow this link to enter. or, in case the link isn't working, here's the url:

little delights is back

i love blogging too much to stay away, and i have so many random thoughts or things that i want to talk about, that i dont want to have one blog dedicated to just one thing.

so... little delights is back. :) a blog about the little things in life that just add some delight.


Monday, April 12, 2010

netflix and new shows

my boyfriend and i have recently decided to spring $10 a month for netflix. while the original premise of mailing movies is nice, we wanted this service because of the ability to instantly watch movies on his xbox. well... i have been taking advantage of this wonderful new feature, and have recently seen about three tv shows from beginning to end, as well as countless random movies.
a couple days ago i began watching new tv shows- since i finished all the previous ones on my que. this has introduced me to two new wonderful shows: 'dollhouse' and 'dead like me'.
'dollhouse' i find really fascinating just because of the premise of the entire show. what would it be like to be a different person every day? people are known for adapting and being able to change who they are (or at least who they seem to be), but is it possible to change who you are completely?
'dead like me' is just entertaining. while a tad grim (it is all about death, after all), they find a way to make the show light and entertaining. ive only seen the first episode, but im already hooked. :)

the joy of blogging

ive had this blog for awhile now, but ive never really been able to do much with it. it has been renovated a couple times, so all of my previous posts are now gone. however, ive decided that since summer is coming, school is finally slowing down, and ive got alot to say, that its time to bring back my blog.
so here it is: my blog of everything thats on my mind, and all of the little delights that i find in the world. after all, its the tiny things in life that can really make a difference.
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